Just wanted to stop by and let you all know about a pet peeve of mine.
Why do clothes have to be so gendered and splashed with harmful stereo types?
I have a daughter, a wonderful, empathetic, active, boisterous and creative human who just so happened to be born with a vagina!
If we are to believe the stereotypes she is meant to be small, pretty, sociable and overwhelmingly love pink and glitter. None of these things on their own is a bad thing, but to tell impressionable young people that these are the only ideals they should aspire to is dangerous.
My daughter wants to be an engineer (and an icecream seller!)
She needs to see this as a possibility. She needs clothes in the colours and styles she wants to wear, which bear logos and images stating that she can be/do anything.
She needs clothes that are cut the same as her male counterparts, that do not restrict her movement, that allows her to explore. She needs school shoes that grip the ground when she runs.
She is blessed with parents who have not allowed the messages of limitation to dominate in our home. We have allowed her to pick clothes from both sides of the store and repeatedly told her that there are no girl or boy things. I wear clothes from both the men's and women's section of the store. We try to not use sexist language, and we actively challenge its use where we can.
My daughter wears shorts and pants from the boys section with tights and cardigans from the girls section. She wears what fits, what's comfortable and above all what she likes. I'd argue that there is a case for simply placing all the children's clothes together in one part of the store and allowing our young humans to make up their own minds
For more information I recommend a visit to this site:
And finally, I'd like to leave you with a quote from my daughter when asked why she has boy things in our house:
"Umm, there is no such things as girl and boy things. You don't operate it with a penis!"
Feel free to share your opinion in the comments section and as always
Thanks for popping by xx